Conversation Lessons

Conversation Chez Frenchy

At Frenchy Conversation School, we believe that learning French goes beyond textbooks and classrooms. Our conversation courses offer you a unique opportunity to speak, listen, and live the language in an interactive and engaging way. Our courses can be conducted in-person at the teacher's location or online, providing maximum flexibility to fit your schedule and preferences. You can also choose between individual lessons or small group classes with a maximum of 4 people, depending on your learning needs and preferences.

Why Choose Our Conversation Courses?

The conversation courses at FC School are designed to fully immerse you in the French language. Here's what makes our approach unique and effective:

1. Real-Life Language Practice

Speak French from Day One

We create an environment where you are encouraged to use French from the start. Our sessions focus on authentic discussions that promote natural and spontaneous learning.

Real and Current Contexts:Our conversation topics cover a variety of contemporary themes, from French culture and global news to everyday situations. You will learn to use French practically in all aspects of your life.

2. Rapid Improvement in Fluency

Intensive Practice

Each session is structured to maximize your speaking time. The more you speak, the more quickly you gain fluency and confidence.

Instant Feedback

Our experienced teachers provide immediate and personalized feedback, helping you correct mistakes and refine your language use in real-time.

3. Personalized Approach

Individual Lessons or Small Groups

You can choose between individual lessons for fully personalized attention or small group classes with a maximum of 4 people. This flexibility allows us to meet your specific needs while promoting rich and stimulating interaction.

Small Group Sizes

Our small groups ensure personalized attention. This approach encourages active participation and meaningful interaction for everyone involved.

Adaptation to Levels and Goals

Whether you are a beginner or advanced, our courses are tailored to your level and aligned with your specific language learning goals, allowing you to progress at your own pace.

4. Friendly and Motivating Atmosphere

Engaged Community

Join a community of language enthusiasts where learning is as social as it is academic. Our courses provide a space where you can connect with other learners and share your experiences.

Supportive Environment

We foster an environment where you can express yourself freely and without fear of judgment, which is essential for building confidence and effective learning.

How Our Conversation Courses Work ?

Our conversation courses are carefully designed to offer a rich and interactive experience. Here's what a typical session looks like:

1. Warm Welcome and Introduction

Initial Ice-Breaker

Each session begins with a fun activity to put you at ease. Whether it's a round of simple questions or sharing a small anecdote, this is the perfect time to warm up.

2. Linguistic Warm-Up Activities

Short and Engaging Discussions

We start the session with stimulating questions or exercises to activate your vocabulary and improve your oral expression.

3. Main Thematic Discussion

Exploring Various Topics

Dive into captivating conversations on current or cultural themes. Our discussions are designed to stimulate your thinking and enrich your vocabulary.

Diverse Learning Materials

We integrate articles, videos, and images to enrich the discussion and provide visual context to the topics covered.

4. Feedback and Improvement

Constructive Analysis

At the end of each session, we offer constructive feedback on your performance. Our teachers will help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement with practical tips for progress.

5. Summary and Closure

Recap and Preparation

We summarize the key learnings from the session and leave you with ideas and resources to continue practicing until the next session.